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Recent Paintings
'The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one'
Oil on linen, 2024, 76.5cm w x 76.5cm h

'If you tend to a flower, it will bloom no matter how many weeds surround it'
Oil on linen, 2024, 50.5cm w x 50.5cm h

'Many hands make light work'
Oil on linen, 2024, 61cm w x 22.5cm h

'The simple and familiar hold the secrets of the complex and unknown'
Oil on linen, 2024, 46cm w x 61cm h

'Don't aspire to be the best on the team. Aspire to be the best for the team'
Oil on linen, 2024, 50.5cm w x 50.5cm h

'I finally figured out that the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it'
Oil on linen, 2024, 30.5cm w x 30.5cm h

'Lean forward into your life. BEgin each day as if it were on purpose'
Oil on linen, 2024, 60cm w x 36cm h

'If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change'
Oil on linen, 2024, 30.5cm w x 30.5cm h

'Minds are like flowers; the open only when the time is right'
Oil on linen, 2024, 76.5cm w x 81.5cm h

'If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together'
Oil on linen, 2024, 30.5cm w x 30.5cm h

'The most simle things can bring the most happiness'
Oil on linen, 2024, 17.5cm w x 22.5cm h

'We all have to live together, so we might as well live together happily'
Oil on linen, 2024, 27cm w x 16.5cm h

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